» » » Определенный артикль и процесс индивидуализации в английском языке

Определенный артикль и процесс индивидуализации в английском языке

Вид работы
Английский язык, теоретическая грамматика
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1.1 General Notion of Article in English 6
1.2 The Development of the Definite Article 8
1.3 Usage of the Definite Article 12
1.4 Functions of the Definite Article 22

This course work is devoted to the functioning of the definite article in the English language and its role in the process of individuation.
The relevance of the topic of the course work is related to the fact that in modern grammar there are many explanations to the origin of the definite article and different opinions on its role in the English language.
The purpose of this course is to study the historical development of the article, and the peculiarities of the role of the definite article '' the'' in the process of individuation.
The objectives of our investigation:
- to explore the history of the origin and development of the English article;
- to ascertain the views of different philologists about the use of article ''the'' and its functions in English
- to consider the cases of the usage of the definite article
- to define the role of the definite article ''the'' in the process of individualization
- to analyze the occurrences of the definite article in the literature by analysing the Dan Brown's '' The Da Vinci Code'' novel.

The structure of the work is defined by the tasks set in it. The work consists of the introduction, two chapters and a conclusion .
The first chapter is devoted to the analysis of the theoretical data on this issue. This chapter examines the opinions of various scholars on the use of the definite article and its functions in the English language , the history of the origin and development of the article and its role in the process of individuation.
The second chapter is devoted to practical work - analysis of Dan Brown's work to identify occurrences of the definite article and its functions in the text.
In the conclusion chapter we summarize the information.

The research of a definite article and its role in the process of an individualization in the English speech is conducted. Information about the history of the development of the definite article ''the'' is found. The main cases of usage of the article are described. In the process of investigation we were able to identify the main features of the articles The obtained data shows that the definite article has much functions in the English language and the main one is the individualizing function.

We have identified the origin of the indefinite article and traced the process of historical development. We found out that the definite article «the» developed from Old English pronouns feminine , masculine and neuter childbirth, which subsequently formed the reduction of one form . We also found a connection between the Old English pronouns and modern articles. Already in the late Old English period formed to designate new forms of demonstrative pronouns , as existed in the language moved into the category of articles and began to perform other functions .

Also, in the process of investigation we were able to identify the main features of the articles. The definite article plays a great role in the process of individualization, it characterizes the subject , as already known , specific , isolated from the whole class of homogeneous items. Also by the end of our study we have examined the causes of the formation of the final articles. Isolation article in an independent part of speech is due to the fact that it has its own special features and values.


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2. Barmina LA, IP Verkhovskaya Workshop on English language : Articles . - M. , 2000
3. Burlakov VV Theoretical English Grammar . M. , 1983 .
4. Volkova EI English article in speech situations . M. , 1984 .
5. Drozdov TY English Grammar Reference and Practice., 2006 .
6. Iletskaya E. A Collection of scientific - research students of " Theory and methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures ", 2011
7. Eastwood John. Guide to English Grammar. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994
8. Tyulenev SE Article in English. - Moscow, 2005 .
9. Kutuzov L. Practical English Grammar . - Moscow: Veche , 1998
10. Lobanov NE Part functioning in modern English . - Moscow: Vlados , 2000
11. Reiman EA English article : Communicative function . - Leningrad: Nauka , 1988
12. Smirnickii AI The morphology of the English language. - Moscow: Nauka, 1959
13. Alexander L.G. Longman English Grammar Practice for intermediate students. Longman, 2005.
14. Dictionary of contemporary English. Pearson Longman, 2007.
15. Dooley Jenny, Evans Virginia. Grammarway 4. Express Publishing, 2007.
16. John Eastwood. Oxford Practice Grammar. Oxford University Press, 2001
17. Parrott Martin. Grammar for English Language Teachers. – Cambridge, 2010
18. Leech Geoffrey, Svartvik Jan. A Communicative Grammar of English. – Pearson, 2003
19. Crain, Stephen and Lillo-Martin, Diane. An Introduction to Linguistic Theory and Language Acquisition. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 1999
20. Kinsella, V. (Ed.). (1978). Language teaching and linguistics: Surveys. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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Количество просмотров: 840

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