» » » International organizations and international efforts to improve the business environment (combating to bribery, corruption and money laundering)

International organizations and international efforts to improve the business environment (combating to bribery, corruption and money laundering)

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Международный менеджмент
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Introduction 1
Chapter 1 4
International Business and corruption as separate concepts. 4
1.1. General characteristics of international business and its emergence. 5
1.2 Corruption in the local and international arena and why it matters 9
1.3 The definition and importance of international organizations nowadays. 11
Chapter 2 14
International legal resistance of laundering cash and organized crime in the context of struggle against corruption 14
2.1. International legal facilities of fight against corruption 14
2.2. International organizations and conventions and its ways of solving set problems 15
2.3. New offers for corruption problem solving in the international level. 21
Conclusion: 30
Bibliography: 33

A modern international business is the process of internationalization of entrepreneurship and in this point of view it is a synthesis of many areas of science.
International business as a phenomenon reflects the totality of foreign economic relations connected with its organization, production of goods, performance of works, rendering of services and making a profit.
Global development in terms of innovative growth and creating a single economic space helps to change the role and share of business entities in the production of world GDP, their participation in the global investment processes, international trade and financial relations, etc.
Consideration the world economy processes as a whole, its individual subjects and areas allows each country to choose its concept of integrating to these processes, to determine the level of participation in the international division of labor and international economic relations. In this aspect, consideration of theory and contemporary trends of international business development becomes relevant.
The same way one problem that is solved by international organizations is corruption and money laundering.
Corruption is considered to be one of the most serious problems in the world, being a major obstacle to sustainable development. Most of all this problem affects the most vulnerable segments of the population.
Corruption undermines the foundations of the whole society. Its impact on the private sector is no less significant. Economic growth is slowed down, distorting competition terms, the reputation of companies undermine, and the conditions for the offenses are created.
For business corruption costs are high by themselves. It is estimated that worldwide corruption costs represent at least 10% of the total cost of running business in these countries. The World Bank announced, "corruption has become a business which cost is trillion dollars."
June 24, 2004 at the Global Compact Leaders’ Summit of the United Nations, it was announced that the issue of combating corruption is included in the UN Global Compact as the tenth principle. The decision to include the tenth principle was accepted after intensive consultations with all summit participants who expressed a strong support for the decision, to show the world that the private sector is also willing to participate in the work to eradicate corruption. In addition, for the first time it was expressed readiness of business to play a role in the fight against corruption publicly.
Since its formation in 1993, Transparency International plays a leading role in the fight against corruption. This non-profit, independent, non-governmental organization aims to improve the transparency of government and curbing corruption both at the level separate states and the international level. Principles for Countering Bribery in business have been formulated in the framework of the organization's approach to forming partnership relations, becoming the basis of interaction with the private sector for the development and adoption of corporate ethics.
International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF) is a nonprofit institution founded in 1990 to develop the principles of responsibility in corporate activities that meet the needs of business and society and contribute to sustainable development.
Realizing that corruption is a major barrier to meet development challenges and activities of enterprises, and also contributes to a violation of human rights, in this course paper, we consider the importance and influence of international organizations on money laundering (corruption).

1. voprosik.net/mezhdunarodnaya-finansovaya-korrupciya/ © ВОПРОСИК
2. “Corruption in international Business”, the Challenge of Cultural and legal Diversity; Sharon Eicher; Friends University, Wichita, Kansas, USA
3. Библиографическое описание: Южанин А. О. Транснациональная коррупция: глобальная проблема современности [Текст] / А. О. Южанин // Молодой ученый. — 2012. — №5. — С. 351-353.
5. Международное сотрудничество в противодействии коррупции http://axio.com.ua/publ/mezhdunarodnoe_sotrudnichestvo_v_protivodejstvii_korrupcii/1-1-0-11

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Количество просмотров: 547

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