Контрольная работа по английскому языку

Английский язык
Количество страниц
14 стр.
Год издания
2015 г., Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет экономики и сервиса
Индивидуальный номер

Одиннадцать заданий по разным составным частям английского языка


1. Перевод текстов с английского на русский

2. Подбор русских эквивалентов к английским словам по теме "Образование"

3.  Подбор английских эквивалентов к русским словам по теме "Образование"

4. Способы образования множественного числа существительных в английском языке

5. Притяжательные местоимения и их выбор в каждом конкретном случае

7.Употребление различных форм глаголов в прошедшем, настоящем и будущем времени

8. Ответы на вопросы по тексту


Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите письменно текст на русский язык


Higher education has undergone a massive expansion in Britain nowadays. The aim of the government is to increase the number of students who enter into higher education.  The driving force for this has been mainly economic. It is assumed that the more  people  who study  at  degree  level,  the  more  likely the  country  is  to   succeed economically. 

A large proportion of young people –  about a third in England and Wales and almost half in Scotland –  continue in education at a more A-level beyond the age of 18.  

The higher education sector provides a variety of courses up to degrees and postgraduate degree level, and carries out research. It increasingly caters for older students; over 50% of students in 1999 were aged 25 and over and many studied part-time. 

Nearly  every university offers access  and  foundation  courses  before  enrolment  on  a course of higher education of  prospective  students  who  do  not  have  the standard entry qualifications.

Higher  education  in  Britain  is   traditionally   associated   with universities, though education of  University  standard  is  also  given  in other institutions such as colleges and  institutes  of  higher  education, which have the  power to award their own degrees.

The only exception to state universities is the small University of Buckingham which concentrates on law, and which draws most of its students of overseas.


All universities in England and Wales are state universities (this includes Oxford and Cambridge).


Задание 1.2. Дайте письменно эквиваленты выделенным словам в тексте №1


higher education

continue in education

a variety of courses

and postgraduate degree level

carries out research



access and foundation courses


prospective students

Britain is traditionally associated with

as colleges and institutes of higher education

to award their own degrees


Задание 2. Пpочитайте и переведите устно текст на русский язык


Oxford and Cambridge are the oldest and most prestigious  universities in  Great  Britain.  They  are  often  called  collectively  Oxbridge.  Both universities are independent. Only the  education  elite  go  to  Oxford  or Cambridge. Most of their students are former public schools leavers.

The normal length of the degree course is three years, after which the students take the Degree of Bachelor of Arts (В.А.). Some courses,  such  as languages or medicine, may be one or two  years  longer.  The  students  may work for other degrees as well. The degrees are  awarded  at  public  degree ceremonies'. Oxford and Cambridge cling to their  traditions,  such  as  the use  of  Latin  at  degree  ceremonies.  Full  academic  dress  is  worn  at examinations.

Oxford and Cambridge universities consist of  а  number  of  colleges. Each college is different, but in many ways they are alike. Each college has its name, its coat of  arms.  Each  college  is  governed  by  a Master. The larger ones have more than 400 members,  the  smallest  colleges have less than  30.  Each  college  offers  teaching  in  а  wide  range  of subjects. Within, the college one will normally  find  а  chapel,  а  dining hall, а library, rooms for undergraduates, fellows and the Master, and  also rooms for teaching purposes.

Oxford is one of the oldest universities in Europe. It is  the  second largest in Britain, after London.

There are now twenty-four colleges for men, five for women and another five which have both men and women members, many from overseas studying  for higher degrees.

The local car industry in East Oxford gives an important addition to the city’s outlook. 

There а great deal of bicycle traffic both in Oxford and Cambridge. 


Задание 2.1. Дайте письменно английские эквиваленты к следующим словам и выражениям:

Образование, длительность, преподавание, предметы, экзамены, выпускники школ, предлагает широкий выбор, директор, частные школы, дипломы о высшем образовании.


Задание 2.2. Дайте письменные ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. Who studies at Oxford and Cambridge Universities?

2. How many years do students study to get a Bachelor degree?

3. What language is used at degree ceremonies?

4. Do students have to wear an official dress at the ceremony?

5. What rooms can be found in the colleges?

6. Who governs the colleges?

7. Do men and women always study together?

8.  Would you like to study in Oxbridge? Why?


Задание 3. Образуйте письменно множественное число данных существительных

tourist, tax, woman, team, tooth, telephone, friend, manager, laboratory, foot, man, wife, city, fax, shelf.


Задание 4. Вставьте  указательные местоимения this, that, these или those в пробелы

1. Who was ___ boy you were dancing with at the party yesterday?

2. ____ shoes are killing me.  I  can’t wait to take them off.

3. Hello. ___  is Beth.  Can I speak to Kate?

4. I knew Jenny at university.  In ____ days she had long blond hair.

5. You can’t get proper cheese ____ days.

6. I was in the pub last night when ____ bloke came up and hit me.

7.  ___ was a wonderful film, wasn’t it?


Задание 5. Выберите нужное притяжательное местоимение в скобках

1. Is that (your/yours) new car? 

2. This is (my/mine) favorite actor. 

3. Whose dog is it? It isn’t (our/ours). 

4. What is (your/yours) position in the company. 

5. Is this (your/yours) umbrella? No, (my/mine) is there.

6. This is (their/theirs) new flat. 

7. Is it your seat? No, it’s (her/hers).


Задание 6. Заполните пропуски  неопределенными местоимениями some, any,  anything, anywhere, anybody, something, somewhere, somebody

1.  ‘Have you bought  ___ souvenirs yet?’   ‘Yes, I’ve bought  ___ presents for my family   But I haven’t sent  ___  postcards    yet.’ 

2. ‘I’ve just done  ___ shopping.’ ‘Have you bought ___ new things?’ ‘Yes, I’ve bought  a pair of  jeans and ____ a pair socks. I  wanted  to  get __  shoes  too,  but  I  didn’t  have   ___   money  left.’ 

3. Would you like  ___ to eat?  

4. Do you live ___ near Jim?  

5. There’s ___ at the door. Can you go and see who it is?  

6. The film is really great. You can ask  ____ who has seen it.  

7. With this special ticket you can go ___ you like on any bus you like.  

8. Do you know ___ about politics?  

9. There isn’t ___ in the box. It’s empty.


Задание 7. Поставьте глаголы в скобках во врeмена  Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous. Вставленные слова подчеркните

     James (be) a taxi-driver. He (work) in London. He (know) the city very well. He (work) as a taxi-driver for 25 years.

‘I (love) my job, because every day I (meet) new people. Many tourists (visit) the city, especially in summer and I (tell) them about every street.’ Now James (have lunch) in a café. He usually ( have) two breaks a day for a short rest. At the weekends he (go) to the seaside. He (spend) his holidays at the same place for many years.

     James (be) a good worker. He (earn) about 2000 pounds a month. This month he (get) even more  – there are many tourists in the city now.  Next Monday he (meet) his friends. They (come) to see London. He ( be) going to show them  the city .


Задание 8. Поставьте глаголы в скобках во времена Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous.

John works in a real-estate agency. Three years ago he (be) unemployed   and (search for) any job. Every day he (read)   advertisements about  jobs. He (decide) to try. At first it (be) difficult and he (not, do) deals alone.  But soon he (learn) job well and last year he (become) the best agent. By the end of the year he (sell) many apartments and (receive) a big bonus. Yesterday he (work) with a client who (want) to buy a huge flat in the very centre of the city.  They (discuss) details of the deal for one hour. At last they (sign) the documents. Once John  (look for) a flat for a very bossy man. He (look for) it for two months, but in the end the client (refuse) because he (buy) a better one through another agency! Although the job is nervous, John likes it very much. 


Задание 9. Поставьте глагол s в скобках во времена Future Simple, Future Perfect или Future Continuous

1. I (cook) dinner by the time I leave for the pub.

2. Tomorrow I (be) at the studio all the day.

3. By the time he is thirty five he (become) a professor.

4.  I won’t be able to answer the phone in the afternoon. I (give) a talk at the conference.

5. We (have) coffee after Martin has finished eating.

6. I hope I (become) a good specialist in the future.

7. Don’t call me in the morning tomorrow. I (sleep).


Задание 10. Выучите следующие слова и выражения к зачету по теме «EDUCATION»

1. Санкт-Петербургский государственный  университет сервиса и экономики - St.Petersburg State University of Service and Economics  

2. студент первого курса - first-year student  

3. дневная форма обучения - full-time study 

4. вечерняя форма обучения - part-time study 

5. студент заочного отделения - correspondent-student  

6. высшее образование - higher education  

7. окончить (учебное заведение) - graduate from 

8. выпускники - graduates  

9. аспиранты - post-graduates  

10. факультет, кафедра - department  

11. высококвалифицированный - highly qualified 

12. преподавательский состав - teaching staff 

13. диплом государственного образца - state –standard diploma  

14. общественная деятельность - social activity  

15. сессия - session

16. сдавать зачеты и экзамены - to take credit-tests and exams

17. сдать/ провалить экзамены – to  pass/fail exams

18. диплом бакалавра – Bachelor’s Degree

19. диплом магистра – Master’s Degree  

20. диплом кандидата  наук – Doctor’s Degree 

21. сфера сервиса - service industry


Задание 11. Подготовьте устное высказывание по теме “I am a student” Будьте готовы к активной беседе с преподавателем по данной теме.

Эти вопросы помогут вам составить рассказ о себе:

What is your name? How old are you? What is your marital status? What is your family like? What course are you doing at university?  What department are you in? What is your job? What is your typical working day?

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Количество просмотров: 1 975

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Оплатите работу одним из указанных в сообщении способов и проинформируйте нас об этом на email или телефон.

После получения вашего сообщения об оплате, мы вышлем вам на почту ссылку для скачивания работы.

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Если у вашего email нестандартное доменное имя, заполните форму, используя другой email.

В любом случае вы можете связаться с нами по одному из контактов и сообщить о возникшей проблеме.

Мы давно осуществляем свою деятельность, наши реквизиты доступны, обман не выгоден нам.

Если мы не сможем выслать вам работу в течение суток, вернем деньги на указанные вами реквизиты.

Вы можете не оплачивать работу, пока не уточните у нас возможность получения ее в срок.

Обязательно убедитесь, что автор работы "admin" (указано в описании работы).

При заполнении формы выберите метод оплаты "Оплатить на сайте с помощью вашей карты (Вебмани, Я.Д.,…)".

Пройдите процедуру оплаты на стороне выбранной платежной системы, следуя инструкциям.

Скачайте файл по ссылке, которая после оплаты придет на ваш электронный адрес.

Перед тем, как выслать вам работу, мы проверяем ее на соответствие указанным на сайте данным

За качество содержания, оригинальность работы мы не отвечаем. Предварительно вы можете запросить выдержки из работы и оценить ее.

Мы отвечаем за качество работ автора "admin". Но это не значит, что они должны соответствовать вашим индивидуальным требованиям.

Ответы Nice-Diplom